There are 2 kinds of water filtration applications. A lot of people are not aware of this, but knowing the variables is huge in the food and beverage area, where dedication to safety requirements can mean the difference between harassment by the FDA, or, difficulties with its customers.
Water filtration applications lend a hand in many water filtration specifications, such as pretreatment of area, surface or well water, boiler water, condensate, process water, cleanup and sterilization, hygiene provisions, and waste water extraction. No matter the exact need, there is a excellent likliehood that some kind of water filtration will be necessary in the food and beverage vertical.
The two largest categories are granular and membrane.
Granular is a tried and true pick in the food business, and is a commonplace and reknown filtration selection within. Granular media filtration options include sand filters, carbon elements, fine garnet elements, and anthracite elements.
Granular filters remove suspended particles down to 10 or so microns in width. Some tests have unveiled filtration accomplishment down to the size of 1 micron.
Membrane water elements uses membranes to take out particles. Separate from granular elements, the membrane filters come with pores and can extract small particles. Membrane water filtration is most efficiently detailed by looking at the size range of the filterable particles, described underneath:
Microfiltration. Can take out particles from .1 micron to 1 micron.
Unltrafiltration. Can take out particles from below .01 microns to over .1 microns.
Nanofiltration. Removes particles from below .001 microns to 0.01 microns.
Reverse Osmosis. Extracts particles from .0001 to .001 microns.